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Купить Borderlands: The Handsome Collection

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Купить Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
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Устраивайте чумовые перестрелки, гребите трофеи лопатой и исследуйте сумасшедший мир планеты Пандора в отмеченных многочисленными наградами играх, входящих в набор Borderlands: The Handsome Collection!


799 р
5566 р
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Borderlands 2: Commando Madness Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Ex-Axton head and Delicious Flesh skin for the Commando - look for them in the character customization menu! This content not included in Season Pass.
Borderlands 2: Commando Domination Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Headbanger head and Crash Test Soldier skin for the Commando - look for them in the character customization menu! This content not included in Season Pass.
Borderlands 2: Gunzerker Domination Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Major Malfunction head and In the Trenches skin for the Gunzerker - look for them in the character customization menu! This content not included in Season Pass.
Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Madness Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Horned Child head and Bring Out Your Dead skin for the Mechromancer - look for them in the character customization menu! This pack requires the Mechromancer pack, sold separately.
Borderlands 2: Assassin Madness Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Murder of Crows head and The Nature of Fear skin for the Assassin - look for them in the character customization menu! This content not included in Season Pass.
Borderlands 2: Siren Madness Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Throatcutter head and A Quick Death skin for the Siren - look for them in the character customization menu! This content not included in Season Pass.
Borderlands 2: Gunzerker Madness Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the El Diablo head and Mess With The Bull skin for the Gunzerker - look for them in the character customization menu! This content not included in Season Pass.
Borderlands 2: Gunzerker Supremacy Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the ZerkerBot2000 head and Skin of Steel skin for the Gunzerker - look for them in the character customization menu! This content not included in Season Pass.
Borderlands 2: Siren Supremacy Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Ascendant head and Ethereal skin for the Siren - look for them in the character customization menu! This content not included in Season Pass.
Borderlands 2: Siren Domination Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Pigtail Pugilist head and Love and Death skin for the Siren - look for them in the character customization menu! This content not included in Season Pass.
Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Domination Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Furry Ferocity head and Warm and Fuzzy skin for the Mechromancer - look for them in the character customization menu! This pack requires the Mechromancer pack, sold separately.
Borderlands 2: Assassin Supremacy Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Inferno head and A Cleansing Fire skin for the Assassin - look for them in the character customization menu! This content not included in Season Pass.
Borderlands 2: Commando Supremacy Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Covert Op head and Advanced Warfare skin for the Commando - look for them in the character customization menu! This content not included in Season Pass.
Borderlands 2: Assassin Domination Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Ech0location head and Obsidian Justice skin for the Assassin - look for them in the character customization menu! This content not included in Season Pass.
Borderlands 2: Assassin Stinging Blade Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the L0rd of Blades head and P0wer T00led skin  for the Assassin - look for them in the character customization menu!
Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Steampunk Slayer Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Bright Idea head and Steampunk Rock skin for the Mechromancer - look for them in the character customization menu! This pack requires the Mechromancer pack, sold separately.
Borderlands 2: Gunzerker Dapper Gent Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Refined Ruffian head and Classiest Man Alive skin for the Gunzerker - look for them in the character customization menu!
Borderlands 2: Psycho Dark Psyche Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the BREATHE DEEP head and the THE DARK LEAKS OUTTA ME skin for the Psycho - look for them in the character customization menu! This pack requires the Psycho Pack, sold separately.
Borderlands 2: Psycho Madness Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the I WANNA BE WANTED head and the I'LL NEVER GO BACK skin  for the Psycho - look for them in the character customization menu! This pack requires the Psycho Pack, sold separately.
Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt
В дополнении «Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt» игроки посетят неизведанные территории среди болот Пандоры, где потерпел крушение огромный корабль Гиперион. Среди обломков которого, по слухам, покоится награбленное. Но будьте осторожны, к кораблю проявляют интерес армии дикарей и мутировавшие животные.
Borderlands 2: Psycho Supremacy Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the SPLITTING HEADACHE HAHAHA head and the CROSSED THE LINE skin for the Psycho - look for them in the character customization menu! This pack requires the Psycho Pack, sold separately.
Borderlands 2: Psycho Domination Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the MY AXE IS THIRSTY head and the BATHE IN THE GORE skin for the Psycho - look for them in the character customization menu! This pack requires the Psycho Pack, sold separately.
Borderlands 2: Siren Glitter and Gore Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Phaselock and Roll head and Vaguely Outrageous skin for the Siren - look for them in the character customization menu!
Borderlands 2: Commando Haggard Hunter Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Bearded Justice head and Quack Attack skin for the Commando - look for them in the character customization menu!
Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Supremacy Pack
Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Necrosis head and Chaos Reigns skin for the Mechromancer - look for them in the character customization menu! This pack requires the Mechromancer pack, sold separately.
Купив этот комплект, вы сэкономите:
5566 р

Устраивайте чумовые перестрелки, гребите трофеи лопатой и исследуйте сумасшедший мир планеты Пандора в отмеченных многочисленными наградами играх, входящих в набор Borderlands: The Handsome Collection — Borderlands 2 и Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! Сыграйте в увенчанную лаврами серию, представляющую из себя блестящий сплав боевика и ролевой игры — вас ждут миллионы видов оружия, уникальный режим совместного прохождения и все выпущенные ранее официальные дополнительные материалы!

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  6. Введите ключ активации (для его получения необходимо купить Borderlands: The Handsome Collection).
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Дата выхода:
24 марта 2015
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28 авг 2024
А какие отличие Borderlands: The Handsome Collection и Borderlands 2 Game of the Year? И если я возьму первый набор, есть смысл брать второй?
28 авг 2024
Роман Акилов

Если вы приобретете Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, то брать дополнительно Borderlands 2 Game of the Year Edition нет смысла, так как The Handsome Collection уже включает в себя весь контент из Game of the Year Edition и даже больше.

Будут вопросы – обращайтесь!
24 фев 2024
24 фев 2024
Олег но не монгол

В издание The Handsome Collection входят: Borderlands 2 и The Pre-Sequel, а также все дополнения к этим играм.
01 июл 2023
интересно, когда будет поступление
01 июл 2023

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Каких-либо конкретных сроков, к сожалению, нет.
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25 мар 2023
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20 мар 2023
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Все отлично! Спасибо!
12 мар 2023
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все четко и быстро) единственное РУ версия не хочет качаться
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Здравствуйте в этом издании есть дополнения к borderlands 2?
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Есть. Состав указан в описании товара.
07 мар 2023
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