Девять божеств. Девять героев. И только один чемпион. Мифическая Греция. Земля богов, поэтов, героев, а также ужасных монстров и существ. Numen - это полностью трехмерная ролевая игра, действие которой происходит в мифической Греции.
Девять божеств. Девять героев. И только один чемпион. Мифическая Греция. Земля богов, поэтов, героев, а также ужасных монстров и существ. Numen - это полностью трехмерная ролевая игра, действие которой происходит в мифической Греции.
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лучшая игра моего детства,досихпор играю.
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Nine deities. Nine heroes. And only one champion. Mythical Greece. The land of gods, poets, heroes, but also of terrible monsters and creatures. Numen is a fully three-dimensional action RPG set in mythical Greece. The player controls one of nine heroes, who in the name of the gods they follow compete in a grand test of their capabilities. Heroes who undertake a pilgrimage over the highest mountains, through valleys and deep forests, underground vaults and the scorched sand of deserts. Numen however is no mere hack-and-slash game. It offers the player the possibility of tactical decision making, searching for enemies’ weak spots, selection of adequate weapons. It rewards those who are able to adapt to the changing situation on the battlefield. In this the player is helped by the unique powers and abilities invested in him or her by the god he or she follows, provided that the god is happy with him or her. The Olympian gods, after all, are renowned for their wanton and unpredictable nature… Action RPG with strong and intriguing storyline and surprising plot turns. Detailed 3D design with state-of-the-art visual effects. The game world based on the Greek mythology comprises of tens of locations situated on 12 islands with both exteriors and underground labyrinths. Many extensive main story and side quests. Select your hero‘s gender, his or her specialization out of three possibilities and one of nine deities for him or her to worship. Plenty of unique weapons, armors and items, more than 80 spells and abilities. Arena duels, training combats and tournaments. My rating 10/10.
Интересная и необычная RPG в мифологическом стиле! Это конечно же не Готика и не Ведьмак, но всё же проект получился интересным, специфичным и для своей ценовой ниши он очень хорош! Годно!
this game is don't cool game. but it very funny
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